London Chargers commit to complying with the government and RFL guidance for playing sport during the COVID-19 pandemic in order to protect it’s players and the wider community.
This includes registering player attendance at all training & games, checking the Coronavirus checklist below and ensuring the kit and equipment is sanitised regularly during training and games.
Training & Gameday COVID Register LINK here. This is to be completed by EVERY player prior to EVERY training session. Players, you won’t be allowed to train or play without completing this. And if you have to complete it on arrival, this will slow down the whole session.
Coronavirus Checklist
- A high temperature (37.8C or higher) – All Clubs must ensure they undertake an on-site temperature check of participants as part of their screening process.
- A new continuous cough
- Shortness of breath
- A sore throat
- Loss of or change in normal sense of taste or smell.
- Feeling more run down/tired/ fatigued than usual or generally unwell.
- Any generalised muscle aches or pain which you haven’t had before
- Been in close contact with/living with a suspected or confirmed case of COVID-19 in the previous two weeks or have been told to isolate by Test and Trace?
- In the past 14 days has anyone in your household displayed symptoms of COVID-19? eg , a high temperature, Anew, continuous cough, A loss of, or change to, their sense of smell or taste
- In the past 14 days have you returned from travel to an area where government quarantine restrictions are in place?
Our Covid Officers are Eric, Briggsy& Todd. They’ll be responsible for ensuring the club sticks to the government and RFL guidance.
It’s really important that we maintain a safe environment for everyone to train and play in. This is crucial to us being able to play this season.
If you have any concerns about how we return to play safely in light of the pandemic, please feel free to drop me a message directly.
Community Game Guidance here
Current Government COVID Guidance here
Further information below:
Community game update – 29th March
Roadmap for Community Rugby League